I may be mistaken, but it seems like the Use GraXpert, Use NoiseXTerminator and solve image options always come back as checked even if they were unchecked and saved in a json file prior. Is that correct?
Hi John,
Yes, that is correct. By default when you load a Json file, it just adds settings from the Json over current settings. There is an option Other / System settings / Reset on setup load that reset everything to defaults before loading a Json file. Then you only get options saved to a Json file.
You can set this option Reset on setup load as default by saving options using the wrench icon at the bottom left corner. I guess option Reset on setup load really should be checked by default, at least I use it always as otherwise you never know what options you actually have after loading the Json file. I will change the default for the next version.
One other item related to this. I did what you suggested and it seemed to fix all the issues except for the two check boxes that control the flowchart (“Get flowchart data before processing” and “Flowchart save image”). I had checked those boxes, saved the file. Then went and checked the “reset” option and reloaded the previously saved file. But those two boxes came back unchecked.
Hi John,
There are some interface related options that are not saved to the Json file. So at the moment those are not reset when loading the Json file. Another example of similar option is GraXpert path which is also not reset.