Not sure what I am doing wrong. I shot a mosaic of M31 and got 62 minutes of 10 second subs. The resulting image is not bad for my bortle 7.5 skies and only 62 min. I tried to work it in Pixinsight using the Autointegrate script by Jarmo Ruuth which works great for all fits images, I picked one frame as a reference from the middle of the stack where M31 was dead center but I got a cropped version even though I didn’t ask it to crop. The image from the S50 shows M31 straight up and down while my PI image is at an angle and shows as cropped. When I look at the fits files they ARE at the angle that I got from PI,
It looks like the S50 rotated the image to match the frame I seleccted.
Not sure what I did wrong. would like to use PI and LR as I know them and don’t want to have to learn a new program, although I have Siril on my PC
I am going to try Batch/mosaic mode in “Tools and batching” but does it give a final image or just a series of files?
Hard to sat what is happening here. There definitely should not be any cropping if you have not selected it. You can check from AutoIntegrate.log file what options were actually used. They are listed at the start of the file.
Batch/mosaic mode is useful if you want to batch process multiple panels with the same settings. Not sure if you have that case here.
I have a 60 minute set of fits files created by the Seestar in the new mosaic mode. I looked at them and grouped them as best I could by position. Basically each panel will have 5 fits files. I went in to autointegrate and used batch/mosaic mode and put in the files for each panel, didn’t click any other boxes and clicked run.
It seemed to run but then gave an error “Invalid View Identifier” and stopped. I don’t know if this is what I would want anyway as I was hoping that it would process each panel and then put them together. I will be getting the Seestar S30 for these objects anyway.
Batch/mosaic mode does not really do a mosaic. It is just a way to process multiple panels in a batch. You still would need to build the mosaic in some other tool.
Error “Invalid View Identifier” sounds like a bug. If you like, I can check that if you send me the AutoIntegrate.log file to
Seestar S50 looks like a very interesting telescope, still wondering if I should get one or not.
I would have to recreate the error and i won’t be using batch/mosaic as I am going to get the new S30 for larger fields.
The S50 is a phenomenal scope aimed at beginners but you can get very good results. I like it as I don’t have an observatory and have to set up and take down and it takes 30-45 minutes each. The S50 I can be imaging in 3 minutes. It is also great for outreach letting people see and snap images on their own smart phones while I control the scope.
It is only a 2mp camera so you need more exposure to get cleaner images but pulling them into Autointegrate works great.
All the images in my S50 flickr album were run through autointegrate and then LR and Topaz AI Denoise.
For the price of a good eyepiece you can get the S50. Also easy to travel with.
Check them out. Oh by the way my yard is bortle 7.5 to 8, 300 feet from a major mall can read starmaps without a light
Seestar doesn’t recommend it because the gearing might not be up to the stress, however there are a lot of youtubes of people doing it. If I get the S30 and it is cheap enough I would risk it although even the S50 is only $500