Darks(FlatDarks) are not sorted to Filter anymore

Versions: Pixinsight 1.93
Autointegrate 1.74.2

I´m not sure whats the Reason: Autointegrate is´nt sorting my Darks or Flatdarks anymore regarding the Filter they are exposed with. I´ve checked it with older and actual Files and compared also the Fitsheader. The Keywords Filter and Image-Type are set, f.e. Filter G and Flat or Dark. This looks normal.

If I load these FlatDarks as Flats or Image, they will be sorted correctly, but not in the FlatDark-Section.

Running the Script I can see at the Process-Console the Error-Message: Missing Meta-Data.

What can this be?

Hi Reiner,

I have some trouble reproducing the problem. Would it be possible to get more information like autointegrate.log file, or console output if there is no autointegrate.log?


I saw the console output in PixInsight forum that helped to reproduce the problem. I have pushed a new version v1.74.3 that fixes this problem.


As you see, there is only one flatdark integrated. But I loaded 5 (LRGBHa). And as I understand the following integration is using this one Flatdark for all Flats.
Shouldn’t a separate integration be shown here for each Flatdark?

As you can see, the flatdarks are not sorted by filter like the flats and lights are. So I assume that the script handles the flatdarks incorrectly

How can I share the Autosetup.json and the AutosaveSetup.json ?


I do not do much calibration myself, and I do not seem to have any test material for flat darks (or dark flats). I also remember it was pretty painful to try to understand what flat darks really are :slight_smile: So it is possible that they are not handled correctly. I need to get back to reading some info on those.

Any additional info you may have is of course very useful. For example those Json files, or autointegrate log files can be useful. If you are willing to share a subset of data for my test use, that would be great too. A very small subset like 1-3 files for each category (lights, flats, etc.) should be enough as I am testing only processing and not the final results.


My understanding is that flat darks are dark frames used to calibrate flats. They are used in the same way as darks are used to calibrate lights. As with darks, they are not sorted by filter. Please feel free to correct if I have misunderstood this.
