AutoIntegrate where updates stored on Win10?

I have Autointegrate in Pixinsight updates. Opening the script it shows 1.7 before and after PI automatically downloading 1.71 and then 1.72. However even though it shows as being downloaded I cannot find it on my PC.
For 1.70 I am pretty sure I had to download it from the website and install it again.
I wonder if the issue is that I am not putting the script in “where it should be” (of course I don’t know where it should be) I have it in
Documents/Pixinsight Stuff/ and then all the updates back to 1.52.

Where should I be pointing PI to see the updates?

I downloaded 1.72 manually and put it in my folder and point to it in PI, just wonder where it should be being stored and where would the auto update normally store it?

I am getting an error with 1.72

ReferenceError: physicalMemoryStatus is not defined
Processing Stopped
Select save directory for AutoIntegrate.log


Hi Jeff,

Sorry for the trouble. I tried to make the call to physicalMemoryStatus specific to version 1.8.9-3 but made a mistake there. I have now pushed a new fix v1.72.1 where I have removed (hopefully) all calls to physicalMemoryStatus.

For me PixInsight automatic download has always worked. So unfortunately I have no idea what could go wrong. Have you checked that you PixInsight repository points to the correct place, see the link AutoIntegrate Info for details. There I have also some details how to download it manually.
