Changes in AutoIntegrate v1.74 are listed below.
- Support for new NoiseXTerminator parameters added
- Each noise reduction tool now has separate settings.
- Support for GraXpert deconvolution
- Saving median FWHM calculated by subframe selector to fits header. It can optionally be used with BlurXTerminator and GraXpert deconvolution.
- Option to adjust shadows before or after stretching.
- Fix to image stretching, mono camera images now use linked stretching.
- Added Histogram direct stretch that does non-iterative histogram stretch in one step.
- For iterative stretch modes added a final step that adjusts the histogram to the required position.
- Dynamic narrowband palettes work best with stretched data so always do stretching for those.
- If stretching creates ugly star cores, a new extra processing option Fix star cores was added. It applies a slight blur on stars using a mask to fix star cores.
- Added an extra option to do sharpening with a high pass filter. Should be used with stretched starless images.
- Show logarithmic histogram for linear files.
- Shadow clip renamed to Shadow adjust
- Added an option to select high and low large scale pixel rejection for ImageIntegration. High pixel rejection may help with satellite trails.
- New fast mode options to run on reduced file size and number of files. Can be useful for quickly testing different options.
- Reorganized Settings / Tools section, some options moved to Settings / Other section.
- Extra processing edit count numbering in image names changed.
- Extra processing auto contrast low limit default changed from 0.0001 to 0.0000.
- Updates to linear fit reference frame selection and new options for selecting the reference frame.
- Fixes when saving parameters to a process icon, also fix to restoring values.
- If the image solver fails, the script tries with several retry options. Unfortunately in most cases they do not help. Optionally in failure case the interactive solver can be used.
- More options have been added for MultiscaleGradientCorrection.
- Added an option to use the auto pedestal when calibrating lights, or use a user given pedestal. Started using the auto pedestal by default during image calibration.
- Added button to show clipped pixels, both in file listing and extra options. Clipped pixels are shown as zero or one, all others are shown as gray. Clicking the button again gets back to the original view.
- FastIntegration defaults changed to match the FastIntegration process defaults.
- Text updates
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