This is a copy of the fits header. There is also a bayer matrix in the fits header.
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 6244 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 4168 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376…359H
BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short
BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376…359H
PROGRAM = ‘PixInsight 1.8.9-1’ / Software that created this HDU
COMMENT PixInsight Class Library: PCL 2.4.29
COMMENT FITS module version 1.1.10
COLORSPC= ‘Grayscale’ / PCL: Color space
RESOLUTN= 72. / PCL: Resolution in pixels per resolution unit
RESOUNIT= 'inch ’ / PCL: Resolution unit
THUMBIMG= ‘Thumbnail’ / PCL: File includes thumbnail image extension
ROWORDER= ‘TOP-DOWN’ / Order of pixel rows stored in the image array
DATE = ‘2023-06-08T07:26:11’ / creation date of calibrated-Light
DATE-OBS= ‘2023-06-07T06:20:28’ / observation date of calibrated-Light
SOFTWARE= ‘Astro Pixel Processor by Aries Productions’ / software
VERSION = ‘2.0.0-beta17’ / Astro Pixel Processor version
CALLIGHT= ‘calibrated-Light’ / calibrated light frame
INSTRUME= 'QHY183c ’ / instrument name
CFAIMAGE= 'RGGB ’ / Color Filter Array pattern
EXPTIME = 360. / exposure time (s)
GAIN = 57. / gain or ISO depending on instrument
AD-PED = 0.14573 / adaptive pedestal from data calibration
FILTNUM = 1. / data combined from 1 filter
FILT-1 = 'RGB ’ / filter used
SESSNUM = 1. / data combined from 1 session
SESS-1 = ‘session 4’ / capture session
COMMENT CosmeticCorrection with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY CosmeticCorrection module version 1.3.0
HISTORY CosmeticCorrection: Total corrected pixels = 103
COMMENT Demosaicing with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY Demosaicing with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaicing with Debayer process
HISTORY Demosaic.pattern: RGGB
HISTORY Demosaic.method: VNG
HISTORY PSF signal evaluation with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalFluxEstimates: 8.9702e+02 7.3370e+02 4.6674e+02
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalPowerFluxEstimates: 3.4640e+03 3.1361e+03 1.6978e+03
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalMeanFluxEstimates: 1.9634e+01 3.6625e+01 1.1125e+01
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalMeanPowerFluxEstimates: 2.2987e-01 2.1064e+00 1.2949e-0
HISTORY Demosaic.psfMStarEstimates: 9.7123e-04 8.6771e-04 9.6914e-04
HISTORY Demosaic.psfNStarEstimates: 1.4252e-03 1.2670e-03 1.4259e-03
HISTORY Demosaic.psfCounts: 1821 947 1043
HISTORY Demosaic.psfType: Moffat4
PSFFLX00= 897.02 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFFLP00= 3464. / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFL00= 19.634 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFP00= 0.22987 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST00= 0.00097123 / M* mean background estimate, channel #0
PSFNST00= 0.0014252 / N* noise estimate, channel #0
PSFSGN00= 1821. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFFLX01= 733.7 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFFLP01= 3136.1 / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFMFL01= 36.625 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFMFP01= 2.1064 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST01= 0.00086771 / M* mean background estimate, channel #1
PSFNST01= 0.001267 / N* noise estimate, channel #1
PSFSGN01= 947. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFFLX02= 466.74 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFFLP02= 1697.8 / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFMFL02= 11.125 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFMFP02= 0.12949 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST02= 0.00096914 / M* mean background estimate, channel #2
PSFNST02= 0.0014259 / N* noise estimate, channel #2
PSFSGN02= 1043. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFSGTYP= 'Moffat4 ’ / PSF type used for signal estimation
HISTORY Noise evaluation with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseEstimates: 1.4255e-03 1.2683e-03 1.4335e-03
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseScaleLow: 7.765784e-04 6.953139e-04 7.670162e-04
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseScaleHigh: 9.785139e-04 8.340678e-04 8.872033e-04
NOISE00 = 0.0014255 / Noise estimate, channel #0
NOISEF00= 0.773 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #0
NOISEL00= 0.0007765784 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #0
NOISEH00= 0.0009785139 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #0
NOISEA00= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #0
NOISE01 = 0.0012683 / Noise estimate, channel #1
NOISEF01= 0.794 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #1
NOISEL01= 0.0006953139 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #1
NOISEH01= 0.0008340678 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #1
NOISEA01= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #1
NOISE02 = 0.0014335 / Noise estimate, channel #2
NOISEF02= 0.873 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #2
NOISEL02= 0.0007670162 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #2
NOISEH02= 0.0008872033 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #2
NOISEA02= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #2
FILTER = 'H ’ / AutoIntegrate extracted channel
SSWEIGHT= 0.00753 / Image weight
COMMENT Registration with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY Registration with ImageRegistration module version 1.3.1
HISTORY Registration with StarAlignment process
HISTORY StarAlignment.totalPairMatches: 987
HISTORY StarAlignment.inliers: 0.827
HISTORY StarAlignment.overlapping: 0.996
HISTORY StarAlignment.regularity: 0.990
HISTORY StarAlignment.quality: 0.844
HISTORY StarAlignment.rmsError: 0.879
HISTORY StarAlignment.rmsErrorDev: 0.427
HISTORY StarAlignment.peakErrorX: 1.949
HISTORY StarAlignment.peakErrorY: 1.961
ALIGNH11= 0.99969 / Alignment matrix: H11
ALIGNH12= -0.000777 / Alignment matrix: H12
ALIGNH13= 5.01093 / Alignment matrix: H13
ALIGNH21= 0.001315 / Alignment matrix: H21
ALIGNH22= 0.999314 / Alignment matrix: H22
ALIGNH23= -13.171025 / Alignment matrix: H23
ALIGNH31= -0. / Alignment matrix: H31
ALIGNH32= 0. / Alignment matrix: H32
ALIGNH33= 1. / Alignment matrix: H33