AutoIntegrate v1.61 Not Running Narrowband

I looked through the wiki for narrowband processing to make sure it wasn’t my mistake, but if I do not have at least one process selected under “Extra Processing for Narrowband” AutoIntegrate stops at processing the AutoRGB file. The files debayer and the channels are extracted with HOS correctly.

I also noticed that the channel files created with AutoIntegrate still include the old fits filter header

And a new one is added


Hi Daniel,

Not sure what is be the problem. Could you please send me AutoIntegrate.log file? Or if possible you could send me a very small subset of data to reproduce the problem.


I started with OSC subs that were calibrated in Astro Pixel Processor and APP adds “FILT-1 ‘RGB’” to the fits header. When AutoIntegrate is separating the channels the fits header “Filter H” is added and the imaged ends up with two filters in the fits header. AutoIntegrate then treats the image as RGB and not mono.

When I choose a processes in “Extra Processing for Narrowband” the narrow band will get processed. Maybe because “Extra Processing for Narrowband” processes look at the file name and not the fits header.

I don’t have the logs but basically the AutoIntigrate finishes the integration at AutoRGB with no errors if I have not selected any processes in “Extra Processing for Narrowband”.


This is a copy of the fits header. There is also a bayer matrix in the fits header.
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 6244 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 4168 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376…359H
BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short
BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376…359H
PROGRAM = ‘PixInsight 1.8.9-1’ / Software that created this HDU
COMMENT PixInsight Class Library: PCL 2.4.29
COMMENT FITS module version 1.1.10
COLORSPC= ‘Grayscale’ / PCL: Color space
RESOLUTN= 72. / PCL: Resolution in pixels per resolution unit
RESOUNIT= 'inch ’ / PCL: Resolution unit
THUMBIMG= ‘Thumbnail’ / PCL: File includes thumbnail image extension
ROWORDER= ‘TOP-DOWN’ / Order of pixel rows stored in the image array
DATE = ‘2023-06-08T07:26:11’ / creation date of calibrated-Light
DATE-OBS= ‘2023-06-07T06:20:28’ / observation date of calibrated-Light
SOFTWARE= ‘Astro Pixel Processor by Aries Productions’ / software
VERSION = ‘2.0.0-beta17’ / Astro Pixel Processor version
CALLIGHT= ‘calibrated-Light’ / calibrated light frame
INSTRUME= 'QHY183c ’ / instrument name
CFAIMAGE= 'RGGB ’ / Color Filter Array pattern
EXPTIME = 360. / exposure time (s)
GAIN = 57. / gain or ISO depending on instrument
AD-PED = 0.14573 / adaptive pedestal from data calibration
FILTNUM = 1. / data combined from 1 filter
FILT-1 = 'RGB ’ / filter used
SESSNUM = 1. / data combined from 1 session
SESS-1 = ‘session 4’ / capture session
COMMENT CosmeticCorrection with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY CosmeticCorrection module version 1.3.0
HISTORY CosmeticCorrection: Total corrected pixels = 103
COMMENT Demosaicing with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY Demosaicing with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaicing with Debayer process
HISTORY Demosaic.pattern: RGGB
HISTORY Demosaic.method: VNG
HISTORY PSF signal evaluation with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalFluxEstimates: 8.9702e+02 7.3370e+02 4.6674e+02
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalPowerFluxEstimates: 3.4640e+03 3.1361e+03 1.6978e+03
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalMeanFluxEstimates: 1.9634e+01 3.6625e+01 1.1125e+01
HISTORY Demosaic.psfTotalMeanPowerFluxEstimates: 2.2987e-01 2.1064e+00 1.2949e-0
HISTORY Demosaic.psfMStarEstimates: 9.7123e-04 8.6771e-04 9.6914e-04
HISTORY Demosaic.psfNStarEstimates: 1.4252e-03 1.2670e-03 1.4259e-03
HISTORY Demosaic.psfCounts: 1821 947 1043
HISTORY Demosaic.psfType: Moffat4
PSFFLX00= 897.02 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFFLP00= 3464. / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFL00= 19.634 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFP00= 0.22987 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST00= 0.00097123 / M* mean background estimate, channel #0
PSFNST00= 0.0014252 / N* noise estimate, channel #0
PSFSGN00= 1821. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFFLX01= 733.7 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFFLP01= 3136.1 / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFMFL01= 36.625 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFMFP01= 2.1064 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST01= 0.00086771 / M* mean background estimate, channel #1
PSFNST01= 0.001267 / N* noise estimate, channel #1
PSFSGN01= 947. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #1
PSFFLX02= 466.74 / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFFLP02= 1697.8 / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFMFL02= 11.125 / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFMFP02= 0.12949 / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST02= 0.00096914 / M* mean background estimate, channel #2
PSFNST02= 0.0014259 / N* noise estimate, channel #2
PSFSGN02= 1043. / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #2
PSFSGTYP= 'Moffat4 ’ / PSF type used for signal estimation
HISTORY Noise evaluation with Debayer module version 1.11.0
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseEstimates: 1.4255e-03 1.2683e-03 1.4335e-03
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseScaleLow: 7.765784e-04 6.953139e-04 7.670162e-04
HISTORY Demosaic.noiseScaleHigh: 9.785139e-04 8.340678e-04 8.872033e-04
NOISE00 = 0.0014255 / Noise estimate, channel #0
NOISEF00= 0.773 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #0
NOISEL00= 0.0007765784 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #0
NOISEH00= 0.0009785139 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #0
NOISEA00= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #0
NOISE01 = 0.0012683 / Noise estimate, channel #1
NOISEF01= 0.794 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #1
NOISEL01= 0.0006953139 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #1
NOISEH01= 0.0008340678 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #1
NOISEA01= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #1
NOISE02 = 0.0014335 / Noise estimate, channel #2
NOISEF02= 0.873 / Fraction of noise pixels, channel #2
NOISEL02= 0.0007670162 / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #2
NOISEH02= 0.0008872033 / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #2
NOISEA02= 'MRS ’ / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #2
FILTER = 'H ’ / AutoIntegrate extracted channel
SSWEIGHT= 0.00753 / Image weight
COMMENT Registration with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
HISTORY Registration with ImageRegistration module version 1.3.1
HISTORY Registration with StarAlignment process
HISTORY StarAlignment.totalPairMatches: 987
HISTORY StarAlignment.inliers: 0.827
HISTORY StarAlignment.overlapping: 0.996
HISTORY StarAlignment.regularity: 0.990
HISTORY StarAlignment.quality: 0.844
HISTORY StarAlignment.rmsError: 0.879
HISTORY StarAlignment.rmsErrorDev: 0.427
HISTORY StarAlignment.peakErrorX: 1.949
HISTORY StarAlignment.peakErrorY: 1.961
ALIGNH11= 0.99969 / Alignment matrix: H11
ALIGNH12= -0.000777 / Alignment matrix: H12
ALIGNH13= 5.01093 / Alignment matrix: H13
ALIGNH21= 0.001315 / Alignment matrix: H21
ALIGNH22= 0.999314 / Alignment matrix: H22
ALIGNH23= -13.171025 / Alignment matrix: H23
ALIGNH31= -0. / Alignment matrix: H31
ALIGNH32= 0. / Alignment matrix: H32
ALIGNH33= 1. / Alignment matrix: H33

AutoIntegrate uses only the FILTER keyword, it does not check FILT-1 keyword. Since FILTER = ‘H’ is in the FITS header it should treat the file as a mono H file. Unfortunately I cannot quite understand what goes wrong.
