Autointegrate v1.60 - Small updates: binning, ABE, CC, drizzle

Changes in Autointegrate v1.60:

Save drizzle info, 1x drizzle

  • Save drizzle info into images. It is used when calculating pixel scale for image solving.
  • Added a choice for 1x or 2x drizzle.

ABE, SPCC, extra color calibration

  • Added ABE correction options: Subtraction or Division
  • Added SPCC options: Saturation threshold and Min SNR. Adjusting these may help if SPCC fails.
  • Added color calibration extra option. It uses the ColorCalibration process.

Binning for image solver

  • Added options to set binning for image solver, or detect binning automatically. Binning is used to adjust pixel size to match the captured image.
  • With Auto option binning is taken from XBINNING value from image metadata. None ignores binning and values 2 and 4 are used to multiply pixel size with those values.