AutoIntegrate processing updates

Local normalization

Local normalization is changed to be the default when processing images. At some point it did not work correctly but with current implementation it seemed to help in some images quite nicely.

Noise reduction

Noise reduction has been changed. For mono images (LRGB, SHO) noise reduction is done for channel images. For color images (OSC, DSLR) noise reduction is done on the single RGB image. Noise reduction parameters on level 3-5 have been updated. Default level 3 does a bit more noise reduction than before. New level 2 is old level 3 which does very minimal noise reduction. New level 6 is old level 5 which is very aggressive. Also by default a mild ACDNR noise reduction is done to smooth fine level noise. Noise reduction is also available as an extra option.


Software 2x2 binning option has been added for light files. It is done as the first operation for all light files or only for color channel files. It uses the IntegerResample routine for binning. For very noisy images binning should help to reduce noise at the costs of decreased resolution. If luminance data is good then it can be useful to do binning only for color data.

ABE on light files

There is now possibility to run ABE on all individual light files. It is done very early in the processing, before cosmetic correction. The results are a bit mixed but it can be useful on files with bad gradients.

Persistent settings section

Options in the Persistent settings section are saved using the PixInsight Setting mechanism. They are remembered and automatically set when the script starts. So there is no need to save these settings to a process icon.

Manual icon column management

By default the icon column for a new window prefix is automatically managed by the script. Script tries to track used icon column positions and assign free ones for new runs.

Sometimes, like when using multiple workspaces, this automatic management does not work optimally. In that case it is possible to manually set the icon column for a window prefix. This can be enabled by setting Manual icon column control in the Persistent settings section. The change will be effective when restarting the script.

When manual icon control is enabled there is a new control Icon column. With that control it is possible to manually set the column where icons are placed. The default for the Icon column is Auto where the icon column is chosen automatically. Last icon column is remembered and automatically restored when the script starts.

StarXTerminator support

In addition to StarNet it is possible to use StarXTerminator to remove stars from an image. StarXTerminator can be selected by choosing the option Use StarXTerminator. To use StarXTerminator as a default it is possible to set the option Default StarXTerminator in the Persistent settings section.

StarXTerminator should work also with linear images but I have not been able to get it working properly from a script file.

StarXTerminator is a commercial product that needs to be licensed and installed separately.

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